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9th Jagna Workshop: Stochastic Analysis – Mathematical Methods and Real World Models

8-18 January 2020

The Research Center for Theoretical Physics

The RCTP was established on 27 December 1992. Aside from graduate thesis advising, the Center also organizes small international Workshops to foster the informal but intense exchange of ideas and perspectives on outstanding problems in physics and mathematics. The Workshops feature pedagogical, review, and research-level lectures focusing on new concepts, methods and techniques used to investigate current problems in quantum physics, biophysics, complex systems, and various nonlinear phenomena, among others. The Proceedings of eight (8) International Workshops have been published so far.


The 9th Workshop: Stochastic Analysis – Mathematical Methods and Real World Models was held on January 8 – 14, 2020 (Pedagogical Level) and January 15 – 18, 2020 (Research Conference) . The Workshop was co-organized by the Mindanao State University (MSU)-Iligan Institute of Technology and Caraga State University (Philippines). The Sponsors of the Workshop were the Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Council for Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology Research and Development (DOST-PCIEERD), SMART Communications, Inc., Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany), Universidade  da Madeira (Portugal), Wrocław University of Science and Technology (Poland), Jülich Forschungszentrum (Germany), Samahang Pisika ng Visayas at Mindanao. The Proceedings will be published by the American Institute of Physics (New York, USA).

RCTP International Scientific Advisory Board: Danilo M. Yanga (Philippines), Frederik W. Wiegel (The Netherlands), Swee Cheng Lim (Singapore), Hiroshi Ezawa (Japan), Ludwig Streit (Germany)

5th Jagna International Workshop:

Stochastic and Quantum Dynamics of Biomolecular Systems

(Proceedings published by American Institute of Physics, New York,USA)

6th Jagna International Workshop:

Mathematical Analysis, Modelling, and Simulation in

Interdisciplinary Sciences

(Proceedings published by World Scientific, Singapore)

Open Access:

7th Jagna International Workshop:

Analysis of Fractional Stochastic Processes: Advances and Applications

(Proceedings published by World Scientific, Singapore)

Open Access:

8th Jagna International Workshop:

Structure, Function, and Dynamics from nm to Gm

(Proceedings published by American Institute of Physics, New York, USA)                               

Open Access:


The senior researchers of RCTP co-authored the following recent scientific publications:

  1. R. R. L. Aure, C. C. Bernido, M. V. Carpio-Bernido, and R. G. Bacabac, “Damped white noise diffusion with memory for diffusing microprobes in ageing fibrin gels,” Biophysical Journal, 117 (2019) 1029-1036. .

  2. R. Violanda, C. C. Bernido, and M. V. Carpio-Bernido, “White noise functional integral for exponentially decaying memory: Nucleotide distribution in bacterial genomes,” Physica Scripta, 94 (2019) 125006.

The Education Research Center

The ERC completes the CVIF triad. The ERC is responsible for the continuing development of the CVIF Dynamic Learning Program and the conduct of workshops, and special training such as the CVIF Young Math Virtuoso Project. Aside from curriculum development and book writing projects, the current research interest is the mathematical modeling of neuronal processes and their implications in the cognitive sciences.

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The CVIF, in partnership with Antonio, Bernardita and Children for Sports, Technology, Arts, Religion and Science (ABCSTARS), Inc., hosts the JAZC Marine Sciences Laboratory, with gratitude to Atty. J. Antonio Z. Carpio (JAZC), Jr., who gave his unstinting support since 1992 during the earliest stages of our scientific and pedagogical pursuits in Jagna, Bohol. Work in this laboratory aims to give students, mentors, and the community: Advanced training in scientific and mathematical methods used in biochemical marine studies facilitated through the CVIF Dynamic Learning Program; Globally competitive marine research and development; Social relevance with awareness of extensive marine biodiversity in the Bohol Sea and the value of purposive marine resources preservation and development.

Recent developments:

  • The Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Region 7, approved the project proposal of CVIF entitled, “Studies and Creation of a Gene Bank of Phylum Mollusca from Bohol Sea”. Drs. Chris and Marivic Bernido, and a CVIF faculty member, Ms. Jodivine Navarosa, B.S. Environmental Science (Magna Cum Laude), will work full-time with the project once it starts.

  • The CVIF was included in a project “Collaboration on Resource Management among Academe and Local Communities (CORAL)” managed by De La Salle University - Manila in collaboration with the University of the Philippines at Diliman. This is funded by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) under the Discovery-Applied Research and Extension for Trans/Inter-disciplinary Opportunities (DARE TO) program. Phase 1 of the project started on 1 February 2019 and Phase 2 has recently been renewed.

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